New Wheels Resolution – Make The Change for 2023

2022 is on the way out, and it is fair to say a majority of the country aren’t too sad to see the back of its ugly head. At a time where the country faces the greatest inflation rate on record & thousands of households are unsettled & anxious about the future, what can we invest our time, energy & money into today that’ll perhaps better our tomorrow?

Published: Wednesday 14 December 2022

New Wheels Resolution for 2023 at E-Bikes Direct

It's a Cycle..

Now, at E-Bikes Direct we love to shout about the mental and physical health benefits of cycling and E-Cycling, but we feel it's never been so appropriate as it is now…It's proven that simply getting out in the fresh air can boost serotonin and broaden perspective, as does physical exercise, so combining the two is sure to have profound affects, right?! – Damn right.

The benefits certainly don't stop there. As we all very well know, fuel prices in 2022 rose to a new record high, in some areas surpassing £2.00 per litre! Although we are now seeing a slight drop and rightly so, as of December 22 the average fuel cost (diesel and petrol) sits at £1.70 which is nearly 40% more for their fuel than this time two years back. Interestingly, the RAC has published an article explaining that as of 2020, the average new car will achieve around 50MPG, so with 4.5L to every Gallon, you are currently looking at around £7.90 per 50 miles… Lets not forget, new cars will be more efficient so this cost will actually increase for those with older cars.

Energy is by no means cheap at the moment either, but even in today's climate you can fully charge a 500Wh battery which tend to be capable of around 60 miles, for 5-25p! To put it into numbers, that means for every 50 miles you drive, you are saving over £7.65!

Of course, some lifestyles won't support ditching the car for an E-Bike, however you city go-ers with a brief commute, or those living near a train station could really cut a significant amount every day, while improving your mental well-being! If you are part of a small family with a lengthy commute, reading this wishing you could ditch the car for a cheaper alternative, don't stop reading just yet because all is not lost! In the past year especially we have seen a huge increase in demand for innovative and practical Cargo electric bikes.

The Guardian recently published an article amidst the rocket in cost of living, discussing just that. Conducting interviews with members of the British public on their personal opinions and experiences, one Cargo rider said "It's just fun! – You feel good being out in the fresh air and getting exercise without consciously exercising." Utilising his Cargo bike for errand runs and usual parent duties, he also added that since purchasing the bike a year ago, he is seeing more and more people using similar set-ups for similar purpose, and others are simply intrigued and want to know more about them! A pattern we are hoping will only encourage sales of such an efficient transport solution.

Available in array of shapes and sizes to suit various lifestyles, with the likes of the Tern GSD S10 LX offering a traditional riding style combined with Bosch electric running gear and integrated cargo racking, complimented by its' vast range of accessories and additions that might just tick your boxes. Great for a light cargo commuter, however those with a small family (children or pups) might well seek something along the lines of the AMCargo range. We could mention specific models, but in honesty the entire range boasts innovative cargo solutions, tailored to your lifestyle. Check out the range here.

Exercise to improve your mental health, which in turn aids positive change, helps the environment and indeed the economy! It's a full cycle, if you'll excuse the pun.

Change Today For a Better Tomorrow

2022 from the offset brought with it some significant world news and consistent financial challenges that are showing no signs of letting up. Energy prices and general inflation saw their greatest increase on record, fuel rocketed, and it seems our outgoings didn't pass on the memo to our wallet. I mean, Lurpak butter reached a criminal £7! Talk about spreading the cost.

But let us not churn up the past! After all, there is a reason your windscreen is larger than your rear view. 2023 brings determination, excitement, optimism, and 365 days to put these into frooition.

Onwards and Upwards

Once November is out of the way and festivities build (or October, if you are Christmas crazed!), there tends to be a noticable boost in the Nations morale and there is certainly a sense of unity across the country. While it's cold outside and motivation is thin on the frosty ground, the prospect of a fresh slate fast approaching might just be the motivation and optimism you needed to get healthy, fit and as a result, perhaps even save some money.

While some use the Christmas period as a mental boost to make changes to their lives, on the flip-side, there are those who find the festive period an anxious time with further financial pressure and thus increased stress, and perhaps first need to begin making these changes in order to build the motivation needed to carry on and enjoy such times. I guess what we are trying to say is, whether it is a positive mindset that encourages change, or making these changes encourages a positive mindset, the current period might just be the perfect time to invest in 2023 and beyond.

Flexible Affordability

On a personal level, we truly understand and appreciate that the lump sum of your average electric bike is enough to gulp, especially at the moment. Since establishing, E-Bikes Direct has always tried to supply electric bikes to the masses, and include the whole nation in what we believe to be the transport solution of the future (or for this blog's sake, new wheels resolution for 2023). It is for this reason that we offer monthly finance across all of our E-Bikes, and with our handy finance calculator you can check eligibility and get the ball rolling… If this sounds like it might appeal to you, please check out our Finance page or feel free to give us a call and one of our experienced sales team will run you through the process.

Cycle To Work

More ways to cycle! We are partnered with various Cycle To Work schemes to further broaden our demographic, and they are seeing more and more companies participating every month!

So what is "Cycle To Work"? Well, In a nut shell; The employer purchases the bike for the employee, the employer then claims back the VAT, and then your employees pay their employer back out of gross pay, rather then net pay. Essentially, you, the employee, benefit at no loss to the company or bicycle supplier. Sounds like a no brainer, right? Check out how our partnered Cycle To Work Schemes could benefit you, today! Of course, some employers are yet to participate, and if you are an employee of such a company and want to kick them into gear, the company can apply on the GOV website! Check it out!

Of course, you don't need an expensive electric bike to get active and boost your health, and we by no means encourage spending beyond means, but as a retailer of bicycles we feel a responsibility to use our platform to share the benefits of cycling and exercise in general and we genuinely see this market as a means, or at least a stepping stone to a better future.

Make It a Merry One – You Deserve It

As the year draws to a close and the Christmas period approaches, we wish all the very best of fortune and well-being for the year(s) to come. Merry Christmas from all at E-Bikes Direct.