Beat The Lockdown Blues with E-Bikes Direct

With so many mental & physical benefits, see how cycling could sooth your mindset, breed positivity and blast away those lockdown blues!

Published: Wednesday 13 January 2021

Lockdown Blues? See How Cycling Could Better Your Mental & Physical Health

Lockdown Blues? See How Cycling Could Better Your Mental & Physical Health

An e-bike has so many physical health and mental benefits – as well as that special joy that comes from a package being delivered to your door if you ordered it online.Why not get out on your new e-bike and blast away the lockdown blues?!

What? Don’t have one? Have a look at e-Bikes Direct and see what might get you out of the house and away from the lockdown cage!

E-Bikes Are Good For Your Health!

Almost whichever way you look at it, an e-Bike could be just the thing to give you a lift. There is a growing body of medical research to show that riding e-Bikes can boost your physical and mental health.

Research published in the Journal of Transport Geography in 2016 showed that e-bikes can improve your physical health and even mental health too.

Another bit of research has also shown, “average trip distance of e-bike and bicycle trips among e-bikers is significantly higher than bicycle trips among cyclists. Equally, e-bike riders’ daily travel distance by e-bike was also significantly longer than daily cycling distance in cyclists”.

You will go further and faster by e-bike. That means you can cover more mileage from the same hour or so away from the house. Your horizons get wider. Those with e-bikes also find them so much fun they’re always making excuses to use them. Though in Lockdown 3.0 we are only allowed to go out for exercise once a day, if you were to go down to the shops by e-bike instead of by car, that’s another excuse to get some exercise.

This year is characterised by Lockdown 3.0 and the pandemic. One key vitamin that could improve your chances should you become infected with COVID-19 is Vitamin D. The body synthesises it when sunlight reaches your skin. This weekend the Guardian reported, “Public Health England [has] revised its vitamin D guidelines, wary of people’s reduced exposure to the sun during lockdown. Whereas once it had suggested only taking small doses in the winter, now it advised everyone to take a daily dose all year round”. Another way to get Vitamin D is – you guessed it – exposing your skin to sunlight. That could well mean getting out on your e-bike and both breathing the fresh air and getting some of the good stuff from our local star onto your skin.

You Really Don’t Need Silly Money To Buy An E-Bike…

You don’t need £4,000 plus to buy a new, decent e-Bike. Here at e-Bikes Direct we have a large range of e-bikes that will suit almost every budget. Here are a few examples:

  • Check out our own brand Basis range of e-bikes that we have on sale from under £800. These are machines that have bomb proof hub motors on comfortable bike frames that will get you about town without causing a fuss. Try the ‘Hunter’, an E-MTB designed to represent happiest medium between value, versatility & quality.
  • In the £1500 range you can buy a Wisper machine that has great components and may even be a comfortable commuter machine when everyone has had their jabs and can go back to the office!
  • Wisper Electric Bicycle Range at E-Bikes Direct

  • Between £1500 and £2,200 will get you on a world renowned bike brand like Releigh that has taken the lead in honest, well-built mid-range e-bikes in the European market.
  • Of course, if you’ve enough cash floating about to buy a sensible new car for your elderly mother, then why not splash it out on a top end mountain bike like a Haibike XDURO Nduro 10.0, for which you’ll be out on a machine that will turn heads wherever you go, packing the infamous Flyon motor, Haibike’s flagship, torque focused mid-drive motor!

Haibike XDURO NDURO 10.0 Flyon e-MTB at E-Bikes Direct

Take A Look At E-Bikes Direct!

This January isn’t easy is it? For all the reasons above and more, you need to get outside and enjoy the winter sunshine. Why not then browse our range of e-bikes and see about getting out in the hills on a new machine? It could help fix those winter blues and set you up for a Lockdown 3.0 that you could well power through and be ready for those great times to come!