Reducing Transport Emissions – The “Low Hanging Fruit”

Climate change is hitting and we all need to do our bit. How could buying an e-bike help? As we will discuss it could significantly reduce your transport emissions and ultimately help humanity avert the disaster that we can see unfolding. Carbon emissions from transport now account for 25% of the UK’s overall CO2 emissions. It’s not surprising that the government sees this as “low hanging fruit” – something that can be quite easily fixed.

Published: Tuesday 02 November 2021

COP 26 - Transport Emissions

Are Transport Solutions, THE Solution?

Climate change is hitting and we all need to do our bit. How could buying an e-bike help? As we will discuss it could significantly reduce your transport emissions and ultimately help humanity avert the disaster that we can see unfolding.

Carbon emissions from transport now account for 25% of the UK’s overall CO2 emissions. It’s not surprising that the government sees this as low hanging fruit – something that can be quite easily fixed.

We see cycle lanes being put in place and low emissions zones being proposed for many cities. In the near future we may even see government grants for people to buy an e-bike too. Even now you can get a significant chunk off the list price of an electric car or van with government support.

Many of these issues are seen as the ‘stick’ to beat you with to get off perfectly comfortable fossil fueled transport. There are some goodies too.

Scandinavians Have The Right Idea!

Research published in 2020 showed that in Norway, e-bike owners find themselves using their e-bikes as much as 49% of the time as their chosen mode of transport. They find themselves leaving their car behind not because of some government inducement, but because they want to. Why could that be?

Both from our customers telling us and from other research worldwide, we know the reasons well. E-bikes are fun to ride and people prefer them to driving their car. You don’t pay for parking and are rarely stuck in traffic so journey times in town can be quicker.

Furthermore – Shall we say, ‘experienced’ and less mobile people find that E-Bikes are far easier to manoeuvre and operate than traditional bikes, however this doesn’t completely eliminate health rewards. With a typical 250W hub motor, you can get from A-B and beyond with a mere rotation of the pedals, and little exersion. Need we add that hill phobia is a thing of the past? Although it might not be as physically demanding, the movement and increase of heart rate, in turn, has signifficant health benefits.

Admittedly, this research wasn’t based on cold & rainy Blighty, but even colder, rainier Norway! If these guys live & breathe the benafits on an Electric bike, we as a nation have no excuse!

Cost E-ffective

Though we aren’t into EV bashing, many people rightly complain that electric cars are significantly more expensive to buy than petrol or diesel vehicles. Let’s face it, not everyone has £300+ a month to spare to lease or buy a new car.

E-bikes are more expensive than traditional bikes. Even so you don’t have to spend £5000+ by any stretch to get a decent machine that will get you 30 miles per charge. Here at E-Bikes Direct we specialise in selling affordable, reliable and reputable E-Bikes, often for less than £900. Our in-house brand Basis includes a well-rounded, refined range of Electric Bikes that retail for even less than that!

Essentially, you can do your bit for the climate by getting a reasonably cheap e-bike that was designed and built in Europe, so you can’t complain it has travelled half the world to get to you!

Try For Youself – Takle Your Own Emissions!

From many years in the business, we know well that the best way to sell an e-bike is for someone to ride it for the first time. As soon as you pedal away you’ll understand why e-bike sales are exploding here in the UK. Forget the taunts of being on a ‘cheater bike’ – those taunts are usually from a red-faced jealous person pushing their traditional bike up the same slope you’re climbing without even getting out of your saddle!

Having taken the leap, will you too leave your old diesel car to rot in the garage? The more you do the less greenhouse gases you will emit, and that’s good for everyone isn’t it?

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